This course will give you an understanding of the impact of digitization, lean and collaborative approaches on the delivery and use of built assets.
You will appreciate the importance of setting clear purposes and setting priorities for how these are achieved within an implementation strategy.
This course also highlights the importance of placing Collaborative BIM within the current and future project delivery and asset management processes, and information flows, and understanding the principal roles and functions involved.
This course will also provide a review of the business cases and drivers for change across construction and operation of built assets.
How will I benefit?
This course will help you:
- Appreciate the benefits and opportunities that Collaborative BIM offers
- Identify any risks and threats associated with Collaborative BIM
- Relate Collaborative BIM to other industry change agendas
- Use process improvement to deliver better products and outcomes
- Develop a Collaborative BIM implementation strategy
Who should attend?
Chief officers, directors, senior partners with project and portfolio responsibilities.
What will I learn?
You will have the knowledge to:
- Explain the opportunities and benefits of digitization and lean
- Recognize how to set purposes for Collaborative BIM and prioritize its implementation
- Recognize and appreciate the importance of managing work processes and information together
- Explain the business cases for Collaborative BIM
What's included?
On completion, you’ll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.
Course resources
Schulung im Seminarraum: Bereit, wenn Sie es sind.
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