This training course is designed to provide thorough training in implementing Business Continuity Management (BCM). It covers the need for an organization to deliver its prioritized activities during an emergency or disruptive event, and the steps involved for recovery.
This Online Course is available in English.
Please note: the price stated is excluding local taxes.
Who should attend?
- Senior Management and others wanting to ensure effective BCM implementation
- BCM team members
- Those who are new to the BCM concept and would like to get an understanding and introduction to BCM
- All Business units, HR, IT, Health and Safety, Security and also Crisis Management/Emergency Response team members
- Project Managers and others who need to manage BCM implementation projects
- Auditors and others responsible for confirming BCM effectiveness in an organization
What will I learn?
- Understand the concepts of BCM and why it is beneficial for organizations/ its employees and individuals
- Highlight the NCEMA BCM action model and key BCM concepts
- Comprehend the BCM roadmap, methods and techniques to be used for effective BCM implementation
- Advanced understanding of the NCEMA BCM Standard (AE/SCNS/NCEMA 7000:2015) and other relevant BCM regulations and guidelines
- Discover how BCM supports the needs of interested parties of the organization, including directors, top management, regulators and the general public
- Understand the next steps and responsibilities of the leadership team to put in place an effective and efficient BCM Program
How will I benefit?
This course will provide participants with an understanding of the stages of the NCEMA BCM Action Model. It will help them comprehend the steps, roles and responsibilities, skills and expertise required to implement and support an effective BCM Program in
order to safeguard the interests of the organization as well as the community at large.