
What is jobactive?

Formerly known as Job Services Australia (JSA), on 1 July 2015, the Australian Government replaced JSA with the new employment services called jobactive to better meet the needs of job seekers, employers and improve job outcomes.

The Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) for jobactive providers also took effect from this date, in recognition of the Government’s commitment to ensuring the delivery of quality services for job seekers and employers.

BSI and jobactive

As a QAF approved auditor, BSI can help with conducting certification audit against one of the department approved Quality Standards, ISO 9001 and the National Standards for Disability Services.

The Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) sets the minimum standard of quality for jobactive providers. Certification under the QAF assures the Department that providers have in place policies and processes to support service delivery.

Certification under the QAF is made up of two components:

  • The Department’s Quality Principles, which a provider must demonstrate adherence to through an on-site audit conducted by a Quality Auditor
  • Certification against one of the Department’s approved Quality Standards

BSI can assist providers to maintain the relevant certification within the timeframes.

Want more information about jobactive?

BSI would be pleased to provide you with more information about jobactive and assist you where possible. View our contact details below to get in touch with one of our advisors today.