Cloud Security Training Courses

Making sure that data is managed and protected effectively as it is being moved, stored, shared and accessed across cloud computing networks in real-time is not only challenging but business critical to get right from the outset.

With system outages and data breaches regularly occurring on cloud-based platforms and services through negligence, cyber attacks and mismanagement, enormous reputational damage can occur quickly. This could put any cloud service provider out of business regardless of how good previous service levels have been. There are also the other legal implications to consider should private data end up in the wrong hands.

BSI, in association with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has developed training courses to help service providers become better at managing the security of their cloud services. This should not only give customers of service providers confidence in their ability to deliver, it can also enhance reputation and could be an important differentiator between competitors.

Our courses cover many aspects from helping you learn how to check compliance with the CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix to helping you develop the ability to prepare for or maintain CSA’s Security Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR) certification.

STAR is CSA’s registry that allows users to access and assess the security practices of cloud providers they currently use or are considering contracting to do business with. 

STAR Certification takes this a step further by giving service providers the ability to prove that their STAR registration has been independently checked and assessed against the new STAR Certification scheme. The maturity model checks a service provider’s security performance against the CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix to award an overall grade.  

Cloud Security Training Courses

Cloud Computing Security Training Course: Certified STAR Auditor >

Led by an experienced tutor, this two day course will help you learn how to conduct an audit for STAR certification and will work through a detailed case study to teach you how to determine a rating for STAR certification. To successfully complete this course, you will need to pass an examination.

2 days live online or classroom training course

ISO/IEC 27018:2019 Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in Public Clouds Training Course >

This course is aimed at both cloud service providers and customers who are engaging with a cloud service provider. The course will help to ensure that the appropriate information security controls are in place for protecting PII processed by cloud service providers under contract to their customers.


1 day live online or classroom training course