ISO 14068-1:2023 Climate Change Management – Carbon Neutrality Training Course

It is now widely accepted that human activity is contributing significantly to negative impacts on our planet. Climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time. To avoid the worst effects and keep the rise in global temperatures to no more than 1.5°C by the end of the century compared to the pre-industrial scenario, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change1 (IPCC) of eminent scientists has identified that we need to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 40% in this decade and to global net zero by 2050. Fixing the climate change problem and securing a stable, prosperous future for the planet is a key driving force behind climate action.

Carbon neutrality, which is a state of balance between carbon released into the atmosphere and the amount of carbon removed from it, is an important milestone on that pathway to Net Zero.

This 2-day climate change management-carbon neutrality training course will help you:

  • Know and understand the key terms, definitions, and process of becoming carbon neutral
  • Understand the differences and relationship between carbon neutrality and net zero
  • Understand the relationship between carbon neutrality and associated requirements, including top management’s commitment to carbon neutrality, selection of carbon neutrality subject, carbon neutrality management plan, accurate quantification of GHG emissions and removals, emission reduction and removal enhancement, carbon footprint offsetting, reporting, and claiming neutrality, on the journey to net zero
  • Plan the activities required to achieve carbon neutrality
  • Identify when carbon offsetting is appropriate and how carbon credits work
  • Appreciate the importance of verifying/validating declarations of carbon neutrality

1 IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

How will I benefit?

The course will help you:

  • Understand the basics of climate change and its impact on Planet Earth and human society
  • To know and understand the international trends and efforts to address the climate crisis, including evolving policy and regulatory landscape related to carbon reduction, carbon neutrality, and net zero
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve carbon neutrality, on your pathway to net zero
  • Understand the requirements for selection of a carbon neutrality subject and the quantification of its carbon footprint
  • Understand the hierarchy on a carbon neutrality pathway in ISO 14068-1, including emission reduction, removal enhancement and possible use of carbon credits for offsetting
  • Embed GHG management and carbon neutrality into your environmental and energy management activities
  • Improve environmental and energy performance, contributing to reduced risk, carbon emissions, and associated costs
  • Enhance your sustainability credentials and improve organizational resilience

Support your organization and local, national, and regional endeavours to mitigate climate risks and wider social and corporate governance efforts