Vulnerability assessments and threat management

Dealing with major threats

Dealing with major threats

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Vulnerability assessments and threat management
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Unsure how to implement a robust vulnerability management system? Learn how

Dealing with major threats

This year marks a new record year for security vulnerabilities worldwide. Based on the latest stats from the National Institute of Standards and Technology Vulnerability Database, the volume of security flaws has hit a record for the fifth straight year in a row.


As security vulnerabilities can enable hackers to access IT systems and applications, it is essential for enterprises to identify and remediate weaknesses before they can be exploited. A comprehensive vulnerability assessment, along with a detailed program of management, can help companies improve the security of their systems.

What is a Vulnerability Assessment?

A vulnerability assessment is an automated assessment designed to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s IT systems.

Vulnerability assessments are performed using our industry standard scanning tools and systems. Performing vulnerability scans will help ensure that known vulnerabilities in your system are identified and addressed in a timely manner, reducing your organization’s risk exposure to an acceptable level.

How does a vulnerability assessment differ from a penetration test?

A vulnerability assessment differs from a penetration test as it is performed by an automated solution which typically does not include manual testing. 

Unsure of how to implement a robust vulnerability and remediation management system?

Through the adoption and implementation of a robust vulnerability and
remediation management system, an organization can make continual
improvements to the security posture of its systems, ensuring the on-going
security of its critical business processes.

An effective system involves the implementation of vulnerability management software coupled with the development and deployment of well-designed supporting policies and procedures built in line with industry standards such as ISO PCI DSS and NIST.

Vulnerability assessments can be performed against both your internal and external infrastructure and are designed to produce a prioritized list of vulnerabilities and associated solutions. Unlike most vulnerability assessments, we perform a peer review of all vulnerabilities identified. This ensures that the recommended solutions are tailored to your needs and that false positives are prioritized before reports are released.

Following an assessment, our consultants will provide a technical report with detailed findings and recommended resolutions as well as a management summary.