EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/745 – QMS Auditor - International

The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) is the legislation detailing the requirements that manufacturers must meet to place medical devices on the market in the European Union.

As more and more manufacturers now have their MDR Quality Management System (QMS) certificates, it’s imperative for continued compliance that they are able to perform audits against the requirements of the QMS MDR.

This course is designed to give you insights into how Notified Bodies may perform an MDR QMS compliance audit, using the topics of a typical MDR audit agenda as the basis. This will enable you to optimize your auditing skills and knowledge to boost your audit capabilities, gain confidence in planning and performing an effective EU MDR QMS audit, as well as ensuring continued compliance to the EU MDR (2017/245).


Already a competent auditor in the medical device industry and especially familiar with the auditing requirements of ISO 13485:2016.

You must have a good understanding of the requirements of the MDR. You should also have experience with quality management systems for the medical device industry. Recommended to have either attended the ISO 13485 Lead auditor or ISO 13485 internal auditor course.

Pedagogical objectives

  • Perform audits against the EU MDR (2017/245) Quality Management System requirements
  • Ensure continued compliance against the EU MDR (2017/245) QMS requirements
  • Be confident that your organization can rely on competent EU MDR (2017/245) auditors
international training

Do you need more information?

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our service department on the following numbers:

Telephone: 01 89 79 00 40
Email: Or via the webchat service on our website:

You will be put in touch with our team if necessary.